Thursday, November 17, 2011

final draft

People that complain about their life when they have a good family, shelter and food, don’t realize how lucky they are to live in this cruel world lived today. There are people struggling everyday of their lives because of where and how they live. These people live in a low class area classified as a slum. Places like this are extremely unhealthy for trying to start a community. And with such a huge population, it can create chaos towards these poor families. Slums negatively affect human population by creating homelessness, limited resources and poor sanitation.
Diseases actually spread more quickly and easier through slums because of their massive population and their poor sanitation. “The foul river carries not just sewage, but also chemicals coming from local farming estates outside of the slums.” This shows that the sewage was also one of the leading causes of the diseases. And to make matters worse with having an incurable disease is not knowing if you have a house to live and support a family in.
Most people in slums often lose their homes because of the huge population in one specific area. Having an unstable life style could get very frustrating for some people. “People that are located in slums more than likely have found out how it feels to be grown up living on nearby roads.” This is expressing that most of these people that live in slums are often homeless. Without a house and poor sanitation everywhere you look outside, can lead to serious health factors to the slum dwellers.
Large amounts of population can be good for some parts of the world, but in others it could lead to disasters such as limited resources. When a not well developed country is formed, they might have a lot of limited resources. Limited resources are bad for an area because it means that there is low amounts of resources to give to the community. “Some days me and my younger brother would go days without eating.” This interview explains that there might not have been a lot of food for a family.
            Although these people go through a lot of hardships, they still make something out of literally nothing. Living in an unsanitized place, not having a home, and not having enough resources can be impacted on these people lives. So the next time you think your life isn’t that great, think about how fortunately you were to be living a better life then the people living in slums.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

People that complain about their life when they have a good family, shelter and food, don’t realize how lucky they are to live in this cruel world lived today. There are people struggling everyday of their lives because of where and how they live. These people live in a low class area classified as a slum. Places like this are extremely unhealthy for trying to start a community. And with such a huge population, it can create chaos towards these poor families. Slums negatively affect human population by creating homelessness, limited resources and poor sanitation.
Diseases actually spread more quickly and easier through slums because of their massive population and their poor sanitation. “The foul river carries not just sewage, but also chemicals coming from local farming estates outside of the slums.” This shows that the sewage was also one of the leading causes of the diseases. And to make matters worse with having an incurable disease is not knowing if you have a house to live and support a family in.
Most people in slums often lose their homes because of the huge population in one specific area. Having an unstable life style could get very frustrating for some people. “People that are located in slums more than likely have found out how it feels to be grown up living on nearby roads.” This is expressing that most of these people that live in slums are often homeless. Without a house and poor sanitation everywhere you look outside, can lead to serious health factors to the slum dwellers.
Large amounts of population can be good for some parts of the world, but in others it could lead to disasters such as limited resources. When a not well developed country is formed, they might have a lot of limited resources. Limited resources are bad for an area because it means that there is low amounts of resources to give to the community. “Some days me and my younger brother would go days without eating.” This interview explains that there might not have been a lot of food for a family.
            Although these people go through a lot of hardships, they still make something out of literally nothing. Living in an unsanitized place, not having a home, and not having enough resources can be impacted on these people lives. So the next time you think your life isn’t that great, think about how fortunately you were to be living a better life then the people living in slums.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


People that complain about their life when they have a good family, shelter and food, don’t realize how lucky they are to live in this cruel world lived today. There are people struggling everyday of their lives because of where and how they live. These people live in a low class area classified as a slum. Places like this are extremely unhealthy for trying to start a community. And with such a huge population, it can create chaos towards these poor families. Slums negatively affect human population by creating homelessness, limited resources and poor sanitation.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

THESIS STATMENT : slums  negatively affect human populations by creating homelessness, limited resources, and poor sanitation.
Defendable point #1
A.      Diseases actually spread more easier and faster through a slum because of the huge population and the poor environment.
B.      “The foul river carries not just local sewage, but also chemicals from farming estates outside of slums.”
C.      This shows that sewage and local waste ending up in their water supply could be a major factor in the cause of the diseases.
D.      And to make matters worse with having a deadly disease, is not having appropriate shelter to prevent it from getting worse.
Defendable point #2
A.      Most people that live in slums often know how it feels to be homeless with limited resources.
B.      “citizen that live with in a slum more than likely lose houses often or the house may be over populated.”
C.      Without shelter, health can become an issue.
D.      Many of these slums contain  poor sanitations as well.
Defendable point #3
A.      Slums have horrible sanitation because of their large amounts of population,.
B.      “With living in a low sanitationed area, people could catch large amounts risk factors that affect their health.”
C.      Living in that kind of environment is not healthy for anyone wanting to live a successful life.
A.      with these three points made, it shows that people living in slums are living an unbalanced life.
B.      Slums negatively affect human populations by creating homelessness, limited resources, and poor sanitation.
C.      These people are living a life that shouldn’t be lived rich or poor.
D.      So next time you think your living a bad life with a house, food, and family, think about the people trying to raise a family and survive in their environment.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thesis Statement

if you think you live in a dirty place with a house, water, and food, then your not even getting the worst of it. There are people that live in a horrible place called 'slums'. these people go through the struggle of not knowing whether there going to eat that day. every day can be a risk for these people because of the bad conditions in there lifestyle.